Short Version: International Sportsman and jolly good egg.
Longer Version: ex Debrett’s People of Today 2002 (with minor editing)
Dexter, Edward Ralph (Ted); CBE (2001); s of Ralph Marshall Dexter (d 1974), and Elise Genevieve, nee Dartnall (d 1974); b 15 May 1935; Educ: Radley, Jesus Coll Cambridge (cricket and golf capt); m 2 May 1959, Susan Georgina, da of Thomas Cuthbert Longfield; 1 s, (Thomas), 1 da (Genevieve); Career Nat Serv 2 Lt 11 Hussars Malaya 1956-57 (Malaya Campaign Medal); “Amateur” cricketer 1958-1968 (capt Sussex 1960-1965 and England 1962-1965), journalist, sports promotion conslt; chm England Ctee TCCB 1989-93; President MCC; Party candidate (C) Cardiff 1965; Recreations Reading, TV Sports watching, Golf. Light eating. Drinking best affordable wine plus one large whisky per day.